Factory and Center of : Anchor Bolt, U-Bolt, Bolt & Nuts & Washer, DTI Indicator Washer Material by : Carbon Steel & Stainless Steel
Thaitoke Engineering Co.,Ltd. was found in Thailand in 2004. Today, it has business presence in many sectors and territories around the world. With these points of presence, Thai Toke engineering has been producing service to many construction sites throughout the country. The company has also been involved in mega projects such as Rail link International Suwannaphum Airport.
18 th
Anniversary " We love Engineering And Construction"
Think of Anchor Bolt Think of Thaitoke
- นึกถึงเรื่องเกลียวที่เดียว TOKE
- นึกถึงสินค้าที่มีคุณภาพ นึกถึง TOKE
- นึกถึงการจัดส่งสินค้าได้รวดเร็ว นึกถึง TOKE
063-626-5165, 064-192-6556
ID Line: thaitoke
Line Official: @thaitokethailand
Facebook: Facebook Thaitoke